Just a few random things I never thought I would ever say to my children yet some how I managed to.
"Don't sit on your sisters head!"
"No, don't share that with your sister" Said while he was trying to share his poptart with her. Sweet of him yet she is to young to eat it. Although she did enjoy the tiny piece he managed to get in her mouth before I stopped him.
"Ok Mister, no more boogers on the top of your head. Ok?" Seriously, I don't know how that came about, at some point today while I was fixing lunch he managed to get a very sticky booger on top his head! Which was awful to try and get out of his hair! Ha
"Yay! Mommy went Pee pee!!!" Yes I know I'm a freak, clearly I was trying to show him how to go potty and trying to get him excited about it when he DOES go pee pee in the potty. Side note here, I could hear Casey downstairs laughing.
I know there are others, I just can't remember them all so I thought I'd put these ones down for now. All of these have been within the last week or so.
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