Monday, April 23, 2012

New routine...

I recently read a blog by a woman who was talking about ways to help keep stay at home moms from feeling overwhelmed. The blog seemed to speak right to me! I have felt overwhelmed with the task of trying to keep house (which I have failed at many times) and take care of 2 babies that are only 16 1/2mo apart at the same time. About the only thing I would get accomplished during the day was the dishes and that was because I have a dishwasher and I could still easily keep an eye on the kids. However there were days when even THAT was impossible and the dishes would pile up in the sink.

This blog offered some advice for keeping the stress down, it all made sense, even if I Didn't like the advice to get up early. REALLY? So I compromised, you see up till recently while Willa has been sleeping through the night since about 3mo she wouldn't always go to sleep till 2am or later... Would make it VERY hard for me to get up any earlier then when the kids would naturally wake up sometimes 10am or later. Finally over the last couple of weeks we seem to have gotten her used to the idea of going to sleep on her own in her crib without the prolonged screaming or having to get her up for an hour and try again sort of thing (I try not to let her scream more then 30min or so).

Also while I hate to admit it we had gotten into the habit of eating all meals in the living room. Eli would be in his highchair. The dining room had kinda turned into the "dogs" room and the dining room table seemed to always be cluttered. I decided that needed to stop! So we cleaned off the table and I started a new routine.

As the website suggested I got up a little earlier *grumble grumble* I got up at 8:30, spent some time alone with the Lord and then woke Willa and nursed her, then got Eli up and we all headed downstairs to breakfast. Which this time was in the dining room! I let the dogs outside where they spend the most of their time when the weather is nice. Fixed breakfast and brought the kids in, Willa went in our little highchair/booster chair that attaches to regular chairs with some puffs on the tray. Eli sat in a chair with 2 cases of soda sitting in it to act as a temporary booster chair for him (we got him his own REAL booster chair last night and we LOVE it!). I gave Eli his breakfast and sippy cup and fixed my breakfast (A bowl of Special K) and sat down to enjoy breakfast with the kids. We have a 55gal fish tank in the dining room which makes for a relaxing meal I have to say when the kids are enjoying their food. Eli enjoys watching the fish, which the way he says it is to cute, really just prolongs the SH so I guess its more like "fiSH". After I finished my bowl I typically give Willa some baby food, she REALLY loves the yogurt stuff. While Eli finishes up eating, when he's done I get him down and hand him his plate. I show him how to dump any left over food or crumbs into the trash and then take it to the sink. Then we get his sippy cup and go into the living room. I return to finish feeding Willa and then offer her some puffs to keep her busy while I clean up after breakfast.

The blog I had read suggested ALWAYS load and run the dishwasher before bed. I had done that the night before so I put away the dishes and then set the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. Then I swept up really quick and did a quick mop with the swiffer. Now I won't do this every day but figure at least once a week would be a good idea. The sweeping isn't as much because the dogs come in and sleep in the dining room at night and gobble up most of the crumbs left behind from the day.

Lunch is similar to breakfast, I fix the food, and then bring the kids in. We eat and feed Willa and then I clean up the lunch dishes. Its worked out great and it helps to keep the kitchen clean. After lunch I put the kids down for a nap. Then I come downstairs and clean up all the toys (never ending task it seems) and vacuum every couple of days and then do my work out routine, shower ALONE without kids pounding on the door or sticking fingers under the door while yelling "Hey! HEY MOMMY!" it really is peaceful! After all that I get about 30min alone to relax and do whatever I want before waking the kids up and starting dinner.

The blog also mentions doing a full load of laundry start to finish once a day to help keep up on the laundry. I haven't gotten to that point yet but I hope to as we get a little more set in our routine, that part is the hardest because I can't just leave the babies alone while I go downstairs to do the wash and I can't fold and put away laundry in their rooms while their napping. I'll figure something out, but as it is I'm really liking the routine I've started and I feel better about keeping some what of a cleaner house, our house is never filthy but just a little messy at times before and now I feel like I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone just dropped by un-announced.

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