Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prayer is an amazing thing!

Casey just called me, the Dr was in to see him today and said they are going to discharge him. Yay!
They said they are pretty sure it was pneumonia, they said with as quickly as he started recovering once he was on the IV antibiotics was a sure sign of that. He said it even sounds like they aren't going to mess with doing the CT scan on Monday (tomorrow) and they have said they aren't going to do the biopsy anymore. He is to followup with his PCP either Thurs or Friday and followup with the lung Dr in 10 days. If all goes well then he should be released to go back to work.

He said last night he coughed up a lot of gunk and the nurse this morning when she was listening to his lungs said he sounded much more clear this morning.

I am so excited to be having him coming home today, today has been kinda rough on me. I haven't been able to get a sitter to come to our house and there has just been some general drama. So glad to have him coming home! He was getting so bored at the hospital and about to go out of his mind I'm sure. The great thing is we'll have Daddy home all week and he will be under Dr's orders to RELAX so that means no projects for him to work on! We just will get to spend time with him! That will be a great blessing to us all! We have missed Daddy a lot!

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