So the procedure was to run a camera down his throat and a needle and take a sample if not the whole thing to see what it is. When they got in there they saw that it was a tumor and that with this type of tumor they can't take a biopsy because there are a bunch of blood vessels surrounding it and they could burst one. So they take pictures of it and schedule a surgery. This tumor is on like a stem that digs into the host area in this case Casey's lung they have to remove the whole thing so this means they will also have to remove a portion of that lung. It depends on how far that stem or root goes on how much they have to remove. The Dr told us that this tumor is a very slowly growing tumor and chances are he's had it for awhile. He said that its blocking part of his lung which caused him to have pneumonia and if its not removed right away then it could cause pneumonia again. Dr recommended that we get him into the surgeon ASAP and ideally for him to have the surgery sometime next week.
He said that the surgery would take place at the hospital and he would remain in the hospital a few days after the surgery. He said that Casey being a young man should recover quickly but he's looking at at LEAST a week off work for this surgery. That being said, we have also been reviewing to see if Casey needs his tonsils out those do need to come out. Before all this started we had gone to talk to the ENT etc and were in the process of getting that scheduled (which was what the sleep study was for). So now the thought is to see if they can do everything all at once. We can't afford for Casey to miss even MORE work, since he's going to be off work for this tumor anyway to go ahead and get the tonsils out (they are obstructing his airways) so he can be recovering from both at the same time. Dr Burns (lung Dr) said we would have to check with the surgeon but he thought that was something they should be able to do. So we'll see if that works out, might be a good idea because he'll be in the hospital for a few days after the surgery and will be on some good pain medication anyway so that will help with the pain from the tonsillectomy. So we need prayers to continue, I am really kind of at peace about the whole thing. Casey of course on the other hand isn't as peaceful. He trusts God and all but he's struggling with feelings about the tumor, like why couldn't they have discovered it when he was younger (before he met me or we had kids) and anger at this "thing" that is in him. He says he wants it OUT! Also of course being the financial support for our family has him worried about taking so much time off work. Also they are extremely busy right now and his boss said they might need to hire someone else to help them get caught up. So those are the feelings he's having right now, its understandable. He said he is still trusting God and its not making his question his faith at all, if anything its making him draw closer.
So want to see a picture of this thing? Ok well if not then don't go any further cause here it is.
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Carcinoid-like tumor |
Praying for you guys now. Scott Fischer