Dear Mr & Mrs Rushed (couple behind a portion of my family at the Sam's club on 135th in OP KS Sat Aug 15 2015:
I wanted to apologize for my very inconsiderate husband. I mean really? He was so rude by paying attention to our kids and not noticing you had only 1 item. Seriously, any normal considerate person would be completely ignoring his children and looking around judging others and would have noticed you had 1 measly item and should have let you go first, even though he had a wife (who had gone out to the van) who wasn't feeling well and wanted to get home. But he should have totally invited you who were in a hurry to complete check out first, even though he was in line for a few minutes before you.....
I also wanted to apologize for my 3yr deciding she wanted to help put things on the belt and climbed to the back of the basket to do so. I really need to have a talk with her, I mean how disrespectful of others feelings for her to want to be HELPFUL..... Clearly she offended you with her wanting to help, we can't have her offending people now can we? While I'm apologizing for 1 child I might as well for the baby who was just sitting in the cart quietly. Now I wasn't there but I know my son, chances are he was staring at you with the most adorable hazel eyes, curly blonde hair and probably even gave you a grin or two. He's such a friendly little guy, I'll have to teach him to cut that out! We can't have kids growing up these days being FRIENDLY now can we? Again I apologize if he offended you with his cute little self. There is no excuse for it, and he's old enough to know better now.
As my rude husband was finishing up checking out which took less then 5min he overheard you Mrs Rushed say to Mr Rushed "Well, at least we didn't get stuck behind someone with kids climbing all over and a full cart of junk". I am so sorry that I was not there to hear that, again please accept my sincerest apologies for his again rude and totally sincere "God Bless You" reply to your comments. Why if I would have been there that unacceptable behavior would have not happened! I would have looked you right in the eyes and nicely suggested you should learn patience, respect and to keep your judging comments to yourself. At the very least. So again, I am sincerly sorry that you had to deal with my rude, inconsiderate husband who wisely just smiled and said "God Bless you".
I understand that saying God bless you might have caused you to feel uncomfortable. That would be my guess as you barked back at him "Yeah you NEED God". Oh my Dear Mrs Rushed, how I wish I would have been there instead of him at that moment. You see? I would have loved to have smiled at you and told you that I DO have God, and you know what? He even Loves YOU.... Even when you are judgmental and impatient.
But, that didn't end your clearly distressing encounter with a portion of my family. You felt the urge to chase my husband and children out of the store and begin scolding him, yelling at him (hey I thought you were in a hurry?) What can I say here? My husband was minding his own business when you approached him. Thank you for setting my husband straight. He truly needed your little pep talk about what it is to be a Christian and that means letting people with 1 item go in front of you (even if you have a wife not feeling well waiting to return home) if you have more then 1 item. I think you truly shook him up and rightfully so! I would have been too had some complete stranger ran up to me and started yelling at me saying "You Christians are all alike, you act like you are all good and everything and yet you are not curtious to other people. My husband had 1 item ONE item! You should have let him go in front of you."
My Dear Mrs Rushed, I can not say enough how SORRY I am that my family, our children, my husband and and I caring for our children caused you to be uncomfortable. You see we ARE Christians, and the fact that my husband didn't invite you to rush in front of him was not in attempt to be rude, it was an oversight. You see he never noticed how many items you did or didn't have. He was focused on the task at hand and had he noticed I'm sure he would have invited you to move ahead. I am sorry if his "God Bless You" was offensive to you, we truly pray that God DOES Bless you, I pray that he blesses you with patience, love, and peace. That you will know the true blessing that children (who seemed to be a huge inconvenience for you) are. The bible says they are a gift from him and we feel our children ARE a gift from God. I realize that chances are your behavior yesterday wasn't typical of you, maybe something has happened in your life to cause you severe distress and yesterdays situation may have added to it. Again I apologize, we did not mean to antaganize or make your day worse. My husband was NOT trying to be Snarky when he wished God Bless You.
So should you come across this letter, please know that we are praying for you and your family. We have no malice towards you. We hope that should our paths cross again that our family will be a little less distressing for you.
Again, God Bless YOU.
With Love,
The Mollett Family
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This picture is a year old.. |
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