Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our week in review

Recently I started a bible study from Joyce Myer, its a year long devotional thing that I have really enjoyed reading. I read it on my toshiba thrive (have I mentioned how much I LOVE that thing?) often times early in the morning while Willa is nursing. Its our little quiet time before Eli wakes up, I have found that I have a more positive outlook on life since I've been trying to keep that as part of my routine. This week I have had kinda a rough week. Fri of last week Casey was diagnosed with Bronchitis (I suspected he had that) and he was down for the count for the whole weekend and even Mon and Tues. I've been surprised at how much he's actually laid around because he NEVER sits still.

While he's tried to help with the kids as much as he could I knew it was hard for him to. Regardless it made for a tiring week. But I was ever so thankful that while he was sick (and I have a sinus infection myself) the kids so far have not gotten sick which could have made this a very TOUGH week. God is good and sure knows our limits doesn't he? Which brings me back to my devotional time, I had read just a few days ago about complaining and I was convicted. It was timely because just as I would start to complain or even have complaining thoughts I was able to remember what I had just read in regards to that. It helped a lot and I think it kept me from getting overly stressed!

Finally as an end note to what I feel is a total random post, I am going to add a video. Sorry for the poor quality and lighting. Its just kind of a silly video. Anyway to explain, we like to recycle as much as possible. We recycle our pop cans separately because we can get money for it. Well our kitchen is full and we didn't have room for a small trashcan to put our used pop cans in so the trash can has been in the garage. We've just been tossing the cans down the few stairs into the garage from the kitchen and then when we go downstairs next time we pick them up off the floor and put them in the can. One day as I was going downstairs to do laundry and holding onto the handrail I had an idea. It seemed that the railing was just the right distance from the wall to create like a little chute for the pop cans. I made a mental note to try it next time I had to "toss" down a pop can and sure enough its perfect! So I moved the trashcan to just under the hand rail and then told Casey of my idea. Right away his face lit up and he started laughing. As he finished his can of pop he ran over to the garage door and tried it out himself. Right away I hear laughter and then "Thats cool!" Haha We're such nerds.

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