The title could be taken any way! Having 2 kids in the house in diapers it seems like someone is ALWAYS poopy! Or at least I am ALWAYS thinking I SMELL a poopy diaper. I truly feel I have some of the gassiest kids on the planet at times! Ah the life of a mother of 2 kids under the age of 2. Although I have to admit I am LOVING it!
I can finally post this as he will be home this evening, but this week my husband has been out of town. Its been something I was dreading as we knew this was coming up. Originally it was supposed to be the 3rd week of July and just keeps getting pushed back. I was worried when they said it would be this week about 3wks ago what with my official due date being Oct 5 and being worried I would go early. God worked all that out, but then it was he was leaving me alone with 2 kids under the age of 2 and one being a newborn would I get any sleep? Well as it turns out I actually am! At least for now, Willa eats about every 3 to 4hrs and that has allowed me to get some rest at night. Even yesterday I was able to coordinate her feedings to nap time and get a 2hr nap in! I don't know how that happened considering most of yesterday she was wanting to nurse every hour or so... Can we say "Oww?" Or maybe "MOOO"
So this morning we get up at 8:30am and I actually feel pretty rested! We didn't do to bad overnight, she woke up twice to eat and was quick (like 20 min) and then back asleep. Thank you Jesus for amazing kids! I let the dogs out into the backyard and shortly after hear excessive barking so went to check on them and tell them to quiet down. While outside I smell gas, I dart back inside for a minute and then back out to see if I still smell it. Yep I do, (thus the double meaning of the post). So I called the gas company and they came out. Turns out we had a small (very small) leak in the pipe leading from our basement outside. He was able to tighten the nut there where it was leaking and got it fixed. Wow what a huge sense of smell if I smelled it OUTSIDE! LOL Glad its fixed and now I don't have to worry about me and my wonderful kids blowing up! :)
I forgot to ad that when I called the gas company these were the directions I was given while waiting for someone to come check it out.
1. Someone over the age of 18 has to be present for them to do the inspection.
2. After this phone call don't use the phone, don't turn on (or off) any lights. Don't use any appliances or turn on any other electronics not already in use.
3. Put out any open flames and don't light any. (Um DUH)
and 4 just killed me. Evacuate the area, ok which is it? Number 1 or number 4? So I asked her. She kinda sighed and just said "Stay out of the backyard". LOL
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