Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Loving her some food!

Yesterday we were supposed to have Willa's weight check after leaving the hospital. When I got there though the nurse came out and told me that Dr Nash had to run and deliver a baby.... The nerve seriously? What was that woman thinking having a baby in the middle of clinic?? Oh wait, I guess what goes around comes around right? Seriously though I was more then understanding considering that less then 2wks ago I caused the same thing to happen. Thats what happens when you have an OB Dr as a family care Dr as well and if people get upset that she has to leave to deliver they should get a Dr that doesn't do OB care.

Anyway, I was slightly concerned about Willa though at the time, she had done well eating in the morning but I was having trouble rousing her to get her to eat in the afternoon. Even though it had been 4hrs since she last ate there was no waking that child. Her appointment was for 3pm and at that point I had only gotten her to take 10cc from a bottle since 10:15am. Finally right when we got home she took the rest of that bottle when had about 40cc in it. I had told the nurse of my concern and she had made sure we got an appointment for today with Dr Nash's husband the OTHER Dr Nash.

Of course after her not eating all afternoon, then last evening she was HUNGRY. She went less then 2hrs before wanting to eat and then she acted like she was STARVING and never been fed. Then of course she ate really well over the night. She is starting to get a sleeping schedule I think which is good. I was worried I'd never sleep again but overall I think I'm getting more sleep then I did with Eli...... At least for now, ;)

So today we got see Dr Nash's husband Dr Nash, he is great we don't mind seeing him if Dr Nash isn't available. Anyway he had gotten the message from the nurse that Willa hadn't eaten well yesterday so when we get there they weigh her and then tell me to feed her and then they would weigh her again. Of course I had recently pumped so I didn't have much milk to offer her other then the bottle of expressed breast milk I had packed for her. Today she has decided she doesn't WANT bottles anymore, which is GREAT considering the first 9 days of her life that was her main way of getting food. I finally got her to take about 30cc which isn't much for her but she wasn't to thrilled with the bottle. They did another weight check after eating to see if they could tell a difference. However she wouldn't eat much so it didn't show any change. Her weight when she was born was 5lbs 7.8oz, today her weight was 5lbs 13.5oz so Dr Nash was very pleased with her weight. He said they don't look for newborns to regain the weight they lost in the hospital till around 2wks and the fact that she was at such a higher number was great! He looked at her discharge sheet to see how much she weighed when we left the hospital and said that she has gained about 1.3oz a day since she's been home which is really really good! He said normally after the 2wks they look for them to gain about 1/2oz a day and she was already doubling that! He said she's going to catch up quick to where she should be and that he thought her not eating yesterday was just her crashing and needing more sleep then food. He said a lot of newborns do that and its only something to worry about when they it happens several days in a row or they start losing weight. He said he thought she was trying to make up for her low birth weight and then he leaned over and said "Ok Willa you are doing good you don't have to work so hard to catch up you can relax" LOL Was so cute, I really love our husband and wife Dr team that we have and I thank the Lord every day for their wisdom. They have really been great for us and we trust them both greatly.

Today's poopy count: To many to count its crazy! Eli: 2, Willa: at least 5 if not more. I feel like all I do is change diapers ha

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