Friday, June 29, 2012

Yet more issues for Casey

Today Casey had his followup appointment from his surgery with his surgeon. Before his appointment they wanted to get a chest x-ray. So the Dr comes in and says that the incision looks really good. He's no longer limited and he can start doing things again, just said if it starts to hurt to stop. He also gave us the pathology report on the tumor. It is what they thought it was, said there is no reason for these to grow they just do, doesn't have to do with lifestyle or job or anything like that. Once its gone, its gone.

His x-ray showed that his diaphragm had floated up a little, said it was that way when he left the hospital but the Dr had hoped it would resolve itself. He said that he wanted to do a CT scan to make sure there wasn't fluid building up below it pushing it up. So we did the CT scan and went back to the Dr's office to wait for the result. So there is no fluid but his right middle lobe of his lung has collapsed. He said it looks like there is a glob of mucus blocking the air way and not allowing the lung to fully inflate and push the diaphragm down like its supposed to be.

So what does that mean? Well it means that he has to have ANOTHER broncos-copy for them to remove the mucus and clear the airway. That should allow the lung to inflate fully, he said he's glad we did the CT scan and caught that because if we would have just left it at that then that part of the lung would eventually just die. So it was a good catch

Monday he goes in for the procedure, its basically the same procedure they did when they discovered the tumor. He will go in for the procedure and then after its over he'll come home. Hopefully that's the end of everything! Casey is a little frustrated that something else has now come up. He wants to be over it all and be better. I can't blame him, I remember feeling the same way when I was in and out of the hospital so much with Eli. Its exhausting.

The good news is the Dr did discuss him going back to work when he feels better. He's still in a fair amount of pain but he said maybe in another week or two Casey can go back. So we'll see what happens after this latest chapter.

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